Fire & Smoke

When your home is subject to fire and smoke damage, it’s easy to see how such a traumatic even could lead you hopeless.

Restoring Your Home, Health & Happiness

When your home is subject to fire and smoke damage, it’s easy to see how such a traumatic event could lead you hopeless. After all, nobody ever expects something like that will ever happen to them. When it does, we realize they often do not respect business hours, which is why fire and smoke damage restoration experts are available all day and all night to answer the phone lines.

No matter the time of day, we are here to assist and dispatch a team to your home at this chaotic time. Our emergency restoration experts are well versed in fire damage restoration, and our team has 20+ years experience in this industry. Thanks to extensive training and required certifications, our team is prepared to handle your entire restoration from beginning to end.

Fire Damage Repair Process

When you pick up the phone and call our technicians, we’ll be on the scene to your property and will perform the following 3 steps to get the fire damage repair process going:

  1. Assessment: Our team inspects and examines the condition of your home to determine the scope of the job.
  2. Mitigation: Next, we work to prevent further damage that could occur from the fire or smoke, which often includes extensive water buildup from the water used to douse the flames.
  3. Restoration: We work quickly and efficiently recover your property and restore it to its pre-loss state.

Importance of Fire Damage Restoration

Doing a DIY fire damage repair job can seem very cost effective, but if certain precautions or if the process are not followed correctly, this can lead to future damages down the road. We are backed by a national franchise, a brand with a stellar reputation for its fire restoration services that have set the industry standard for decades.

During this chaotic and uncertain time, you can be confident in one thing: that your home is in capable hands. Our experts are specialized in all fire damage repair solutions and can make sure your home is restored to its pre-fire condition quickly and effectively.

We care about your safety, happiness, and wellbeing, and that’s why we have a 24/7 fire restoration team on standby ready to help you at any moments notice!

Wall, Ceiling & Cabinet Washing Services

Top to Bottom Residential Restoration Services

No matter the size or type of house fire, extensive damage that requires the assistance of a professional can occur. We are equipped with industry-leading experience, deep understanding, and advanced tools and processes to restore your home and your peace of mind . We are a residential restoration company that offers wall, ceiling, and cabinet cleaning services that go beyond the standard services – we’ll also clean, polish, and deodorize crown molding, baseboards, and other woodwork.

After a house fire, smoke can get trapped in closets, drawers, attics, and cabinets, and it can be challenging to fully clear off the residual smell. Our professional restoration team can tackle every area of your home to ensure thorough cleaning and deodorizing.

Residential Clothing & Fabric Cleaning Services

Soot & Odor Removal for Bedding, Shoes, Curtains & More

When the fire is over, your home will undoubtedly have a great deal of damage. The flames themselves are responsible for only part of the destruction. Smoke and soot can cause just as much – if not more – damage. Fabric and clothing in your home can quickly take on the smell of smoke and will require professional cleaning and restoration. We are here to help. We are a residential restoration company that specializes in fabric and clothing cleaning.

Soot & Smoke Damage Clean-up Services

Leave the Post-Fire Clean-Up to the Professionals

When you experience a house fire, putting out the flames is only the first step in an extensive recovery process. The lingering smoke and soot can continue to damage your home and belongings, sometimes causing just as much damage as the fire itself. We specializes in soot and smoke damage clean-up and restoration. We know the best, most effective ways to deal with soot, smoke, and odor damage.

The residue that a fire leaves behind can be hazardous and result in health problems for anyone in your home if it is not immediately addressed by professionals. Our experienced team will quickly and thoroughly assess the smoke and soot damage and determine the cost of the restoration. We’ll also examine other areas in your home to uncover any damage caused by the firefighting process. Once we accurately assess the damage, we’ll provide you with an estimate for our cleaning and restoration services.

Residential Content Cleaning & Restoration

Specialized Services for Every Item In Your Home

The smoke from a fire can touch just about everything in your home – and cause quite a bit of damage in the process. Everything from furniture to electronics to artwork can be damaged by smoke and soot. The only way to clean and restore these items to their original state is with professional cleaning and restoration services.

We are here to help you get back to normal. We specialize in residential content cleaning and restoration and can help salvage your damaged possessions. Leave your valuable items in the hands of professionals who know exactly how to handle them.

What about special items? Artwork, china, heirlooms, etc.

Some high-value items require restoration by a specialist. Working with your insurance claims representative, we can help you identify these and locate a qualified restorer.

Will I have access to my belongings while they are in storage?

Yes, with advance notice we can schedule a time for a Restore U restoration technician to meet with you and provide access to your requested items. A service charge may apply.

Can I turn on my heating and air conditioning unit?

We recommend that you not turn on your furnace or air conditioning unit without clearance from the HVAC contractor.

Do my belongings need to be moved away from the premises?

Depending on the source, nature, and extent of the fire, it may be best to move all belongings to a secure facility for cleaning, storage and to make room for restoration or construction. Restore U will work with you and your insurance claims representative to manage this process.

How do I keep track of non-restorable items?

We recommend you make a list of items (including food items) deemed nonrestorable. Make a copy for your insurance company and keep one for yourself.

What are some safety concerns?

At Restore U, occupant and worker safety is a top priority. During the initial inspection, safety hazards are identified and addressed, including debris removal, air quality, electrical hazards, slip and trip hazards, etc. Burnt electrical cords and appliances are separated out for disposal, and questionable electrical appliances are unplugged and tagged for evaluation of safe operation. Electrical power may be turned off and kept off until evaluation by a licensed electrician.

Can I clean up from fire damage myself?

We suggest that you do not attempt any “do-it-yourself” cleaning methods without consulting your Restore U restoration technician. Pretesting, using the right cleaning agent for the particular item, mixing deodorizing agents with cleaning solutions, and using correct dilution rates are just some of the ways a fire restoration technician expertly controls the results. Professional cleaning systems and products used by experienced, trained Restore U restoration technicians give you the best chance for complete restoration of your belongings.

How long will the restoration process take?

Because there are many variables and many services involved in fire and smoke restoration, it is difficult to predict exactly how long the complete restoration will take. Consult with your Restore U restoration technician on the estimated dates and phases of your restoration project.

Fire & Smoke
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